Hello :D
This funny lil blog will hopfully be an update on my account (and other things) as of this moment.
This account
I have wanted to be a bit more active on newgrounds but with how packed my personal life has been, that becomes near impossible, I'm not really active on any socials because of that.
Posting art n such became a rarity because of how drained I've been, I can barely pull myself to finish art pieces, let alone complete sketches when I finally am given time for myself. The most recent things I can probably show with confidence is those incomplete pieces and I'm unsure if people would like that. I'm not really a fan of posting my unfinished pieces myself. So the question there is: would that be something that you guys would mind/ be interested in at all? (given that I post them in small compilations of pieces rather than indivual posts).
Vs. Snoodle
For those who did know of this mod's existence, its currently postponed to allow for our composer, @darkvessel, to take some time to feel better mentally. all the art assets for this release is already done. I've never been bothered on when the mod releases as the entire goal of it was just to make one small cool thing and end it at there, never much beyond that and I'm grateful for the team which has helped me do that.
The future
While the future does look a bit bleak for me atm, I'm staying as optimistic as possible and hopefully rebuilding my drive to art a bit more cause I have so many ideas that I want to explore but absolutely no energy to put towards it. Hope to see you all very soon again.
Thank you for your time
Bubye for now
Posting small compilations of unfinished work dont seem too bad.